Posts Tagged ‘industrial hoses’

Safety Measures When Working With Industrial Hoses

Friday, December 1st, 2023

Originating from simple designs, industrial hoses have evolved into complex systems integral to numerous industries. Their role in transporting various substances, from gases to liquids, underlines the necessity of handling them with the utmost care and precision. This blog delves into the essential safety measures and best practices for working with industrial hoses to ensure a safe and efficient work environment.

Identifying Potential Hazards with Industrial Hoses

When working with industrial hoses, it’s important to be aware of potential hazards that can compromise safety and efficiency. Here are key points to consider:

  • Visible Wear and Tear: Look for any signs of deterioration such as cracks, thinning or bulging.
  • Leakage: Check for any wet spots or drips that indicate a leak in the hose.
  • Abrasion Marks: Noticeable abrasion on the hose surface can be a sign of excessive wear.
  • Crushed or Flattened Sections: Indicate potential internal damage and blockages.

What Are the Essential Safety Checks Before Using Industrial Hoses?

Before using industrial hoses, it’s important to perform several safety checks. Ensure the hose is suitable for the intended application, particularly in terms of material compatibility and pressure ratings. Conduct thorough inspections for cracks, leaks or wear before each use. Check for any physical damage, such as cracks or abrasions and ensure all connections are secure. It’s also important to verify that the hose has not surpassed its service life.

Best Practices for Safe Handling of Industrial Hoses

Here are some guidelines for the safe and effective handling of industrial hoses:

Proper Storage

Store hoses away from sharp objects and in a manner that prevents tangling.

Regular Training

Ensure all personnel are trained in correct hose handling and operation procedures.

Avoid Excessive Bending

Prevent bending the hose beyond its minimum bend radius to avoid damage.

Pressure Management

Regularly check and maintain the correct operating pressure to avoid hose failure.

The Importance of Regular Hose Maintenance

Regular maintenance extends the life of industrial hoses and ensures safe operation. It involves routine inspections, proper storage and immediate repairs of any detected issues. Rely on professionals to identify potential problems before they lead to accidents or equipment failure.

Seeking Reliable Industrial Supplies in Rockhampton?

By adhering to these guidelines, you can ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your hoses. It’s important to choose only high-quality products to maintain safety and efficiency in your operations. If you are looking for quality industrial hoses in Rockhampton or professional advice for safe handling, contact our team at Norosco.

How To Store Industrial Hoses

Friday, July 7th, 2023

Have you ever given a thought to how your industrial hoses are stored? Seems like a minor detail, right? But it’s not. In fact, the way hoses are stored affects their durability, performance and safety. And that’s precisely why understanding the importance of proper hose storage is so important.

Choosing the Right Storage Solutions

Before going into the details of how to store hoses, it’s important to select the right storage solution. But how do you make that choice? Well, here are a few considerations:

  • Size of the Hoses: Larger hoses require more robust storage solutions like hose reels.
  • Material: Some hoses are more prone to damage and require more delicate handling.
  • Frequency of Use: Hoses used frequently need to be easily accessible.

Step by Step Hose Storage Guide

Once you have selected your storage solution, follow these steps to ensure proper storage of your hoses:

Step 1: Pre-Storage Checks

Before storing, inspect the hose for any damage. Check for any cuts, leaks or kinks.

Step 2: Cleaning

It’s essential to clean your hoses before storage. Use a soft cloth or a gentle stream of water to wipe down the exterior. For the interior, run water through the hose to remove any residual substances.

Step 3: Drying

Never store a wet hose. Why? Because moisture can lead to mould and mildew, damaging the hose’s interior. Ensure that the hose is completely dry before storing it.

Step 4: Coiling

Coiling helps to prevent kinks and bends in the hose. However, always ensure that you coil following the hose’s natural curve to avoid stressing the material.

Step 5: Storing

Finally, store the hose in a clean, dry place, away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. Remember to fully release the pressure before storage.

Long-Term Storage Tips

Planning to store your hoses for a longer duration? Follow these additional tips:

Regular Maintenance

Even during storage, hoses require regular maintenance. This includes periodic inspections and cleaning to ensure they remain in optimal condition.

Avoid Overcrowding

Overcrowding can lead to hoses getting crushed or tangled. Always ensure that there is sufficient space for each hose.

Ready to Extend Your Hose Lifespan?

Having gone through these tips and guidelines, you’re now equipped with the know-how to store your industrial hoses properly. So why not put this knowledge into practice? At Norosco, we’ve provided industrial hoses and supplies to Rockhampton businesses for almost 50 years. Specially manufactured in a variety of sizes, our qualified technicians can connect your hosing system to ensure it stands the test of time. Call us today to discuss your industrial hose needs.

Understanding The Types Of Industrial Hoses

Monday, May 23rd, 2022

Industrial hoses are larger and more powerful than those used for domestic works. They can also be used for a range of purposes other than simply water carrying. In this post, we’ll take a look at the different types of industrial hoses and what their applications are.

Although all of these hoses are used in an industrial environment, they each have a different use as outlined below:

Chemical fume extraction hoses

Chemical fume extraction hoses are used to remove chemical fumes from a room or area. For example, they’re often used in laboratories where chemicals are being mixed together and heated, as well as in chemical plants that have large amounts of chemicals stored or processed on-site. Chemical fume extraction hoses can be found in many other places: pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities; food processing plants; electronics manufacturing facilities; paint manufacturing facilities; adhesives manufacturing operations.

Dust collection hoses

Dust collection hoses are used to collect the dust that is produced when machines are in operation. They’re installed around a machine’s ductwork, where they pick up any dust that has been released into the air. Dust collection hoses can be made with a variety of materials, including rubber and plastic. They can also be reinforced with wire mesh or steel rings to increase their durability and longevity.

Dust collection hoses are typically used in industries where there is frequent exposure to fine particulate matter such as sanding operations or manufacturing facilities like foundries or mills (where metal such as iron ore is crushed into smaller pieces).

High-temperature hoses

High-temperature hoses are used in applications where the hose is exposed to high temperatures. These hoses are made from materials that are resistant to high temperatures, such as polyurethane, polyethylene and polypropylene. These hoses are used in applications such as aircraft engines, power plants and furnaces.

Light material handling hoses

Light material handling hoses are designed to handle light materials such as liquids and fine parts. They are used in applications where a small amount of material is being moved and require little or no pressure. These are also known as “unrated” hoses, as they do not meet the standards for use in high-pressure applications.

Light material handling hoses are used in industrial settings for food and beverage processing, storage tanks cleanup, chemical transport, lubrication systems and paint spraying equipment.

Ventilation hoses

Ventilation hoses are used to remove fumes and odours from a building. They’re used for a variety of applications, ranging from removing smoke from fires in factories to removing chemical vapours from laboratories. The materials used to make ventilation hoses depend on the application. Some ventilation hose manufacturers use PVC because it’s lightweight and inexpensive, while others prefer rubber because it’s more durable.

Each size of ventilation hose has its own purpose with some sizes being more suitable for high-pressure applications than others. Ventilation hoses are available in diameters ranging from 4 inches up to 48 inches.

For further help and advice on choosing the right industrial hoses for your needs, contact the experts at Norosco today.

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