Pneumatic systems are a great advantage when moving a heavy load. They use compressed or pressured air to push, pull, lift, hold, or blend an object, and are ideal when speed rather than accuracy or high-precision work is a priority. Even though a pneumatic system’s fairly simple, it requires the proper set-up, use and maintenance of components and equipment in order to be effective.
Understanding the components of a pneumatic system and how they work can help prevent problems and ensure an effective solution if issues do arise. Read on to learn more about the main features of a pneumatic system.
What are the main components of a pneumatic system?
- Compressor: A compressor is used to convert normal air into compressed air. It’s usually operated by a diesel engine and the pressurised air is stored between 700-1000 kPa.
- Air reservoir: This is where the pressurised air is stored.
- Valves: Valves ensure the air being released is at the correct pressure level for the equipment being used.
- Actuator: This converts the energy stored in the air reservoir into kinetic energy. Actuators are usually moving parts.
- Air regulator: This works to check the pressure of the air inside the compressor.
- Accumulator: This provides supplementary storage for compressed air.
- Feed line: A hose that moves air through the pressurised air through the system.
- Lubricator: A lubricator delivers oil through the air line of a pneumatic system to keep its internal parts lubricated.
- Circuit: Generally, pneumatic systems are made up of multiple valves, actuators, compressors and reservoirs, and their combination is referred to as a circuit. If all these parts are powered off a central compressor, circuits feature many interlinking parts combining at least several of each component.

What requires maintenance in a pneumatic system?
When it comes to machinery, medical equipment, air tools or fairground rides that run on pneumatic systems, there can be serious consequences if they’re not properly maintained. Making sure you check over your systems and carry out the required maintenance can help you to extend their life and make sure they are safe. So, here are some of the maintenance tasks you are recommended to carry out.
Daily maintenance
- Check for leaks: Usually, if you have a leak, you’ll be able to hear a hissing noise. However, if you’ve noticed a decline in the efficiency of your machine and suspect there is a leak that is too small to hear, you could test this theory out by applying some soap to the area you think is affected. If the soap remains there, there is no leak, meaning the issues with your machine are likely caused by something else. However, if the soap starts to bubble, you will need to seek repairs.
- Check the filter regulator lubricator: This is the part of the system that filters out dirt and dust. This is also the part which is responsible for keeping the machine lubricated and therefore running smoothly, helping to avoid increased amounts of friction that can cause damage.
- Take care of seals: If, for any reason, you need to take the machine apart, it’s important that you pay particular attention to the seals and ensure that they are put back together correctly. If the seals aren’t shut properly, oil droplets could enter the system.
- Clean the system: Regular cleaning will ensure you only have to gently wipe away dust and dirt, rather than having to scrub at a build-up of layers. Wipe down the exterior of your cylinders and actuators using a microfibre cloth and try to remove as much liquid as possible. If needed, clean or replace the piston rods too.
Consequences of skipping maintenance
While the problems you might face from a faulty pneumatic system are not too severe in the short term, these issues are also much easier to fix when you notice them early. If you conduct the correct maintenance every day, you are likely to find you not only save money on repairs, but in the long run, you’ll also save time that you would have had to waste waiting for your system to be replaced or fixed.
Contact us today
If you’re looking for pneumatic system components in Rockhampton, look no further than Norosco. We’re a local business with decades of experience, and proudly supply a large range of pneumatic equipment, including valves, filters, air regulators and lubricators.
Our pneumatic system components are suitable for use in any number of settings, including transportation, construction, industry, and healthcare. We also offer high-quality servicing, maintenance and repairs guaranteed to restore your equipment to proper working order.
Whatever your equipment or supply needs, our team is ready to help you find the perfect product. Contact us today on (07) 4928 7777.